1.1.0 Patch Notes

Squid Spawning system changed

1 random squid every 0.5s → 0.1s > Each Squid has it's own spawn timer and system

Was far too limiting and boring

Squid Spawn Timers

Blue Squid's respawn timer 0.5s → 0.15s
Green Squid's respawn timer 1s → 0.2s, Spawns after 20s
Brown Squid's respawn timer 1s → 0.5s, Spawns after 30s
Pink Squid's respawn timer 3s → 0.5s, Spawns after 60s
Purple Squid's respawn timer 3s → 0.3s, Spawns after 100s

Should allow players to understand squids and experience them at a reasonable pace

Pathing Update

Blue Squid: Random (Unchanged)
Green Squid: Random > Towards Player (Inaccurate)
Brown Squid: Random in 90º increments (Unchanged)
Pink Squid: Random > Towards Player (Accurate), Charge 1s > 1.5s
Purple Squid: Random > Towards Player (Fairly Accurate)

More uniqueness to the squids

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